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Surfing related questions

This section provides answers to questions about our surfing systems.

How do I report a frame breaker, or a site with popups/inappropriate content, et cetera?

We do our best to prevent them, but they can slip in.  If you come a cross a site that seems to be stopping the timer, or creating popups, go back to the surf page (auto or manual):

  • On the surf area, click Pause - this stops the timer intentionally
  • Click [Report] - this will bring up a separate window that shows the 10 most recently surfed sites (auto or manual)
  • The list shows in reverse-time order, so the most recent site is at the top
  • Click the 'Report' link to the far right of the site that caused the problem
    • (Generally, this will be the top entry or the next site down... the top site is probably the one showing when you hit 'pause' after returning to the surf page).
  • The report link will open a page with a form, where you can indicate what you saw that shouldn't have been there.
  • Submit the form, and we'll take it from there.
  • Close that window, and click 'Resume' on your surfing to continue earning credits

That sequence will write a report to our database, which we check fairly frequently.  When we see a report, we look into it.  If you hear nothing from us, we either haven't seen it, or confirmed it and sent the site a warning.  If we can't duplicate the problem, we'll generally send you an email asking for more details.

What is the difference between auto and manual surf?

AutoSurf means that, when the timer has expired, the next site will display automatically.  This is the easiest way to earn credits, but the slowest.  We want our surfers to look at the sites that are being displayed, so we offer an incentive (more credits per view) for manual surf.

Manual surf works the same as AutoSurf, except that when the timer runs out, you must click on one of five links to move to the next page.  Which link you must click on will change randomly each time, so both we and the other advertisers know you've actually seen what the site had to show.

Why do I have to see my own site?  I'm wasting a credit!

Some people want to know they're sites and banners are showing properly, and some don't.  If you don't want to see your sites or banners, go to Members/Your Info, and click on "change self-viewing option", which is located in the "Preferences / Summary Info" box.  This allows you to control if you see your own sites or banners, or not.

None of my sites or banners are getting hits, but they were approved.

First, check your Account Status under 'Your Info' section.  A few users accidentally paused their accounts.  Pausing means you can earn credits, but your sites are all suspended from rotation.  We added this feature as a user convenience, if they needed to prepare for a site down.  If your account is not paused, see the next question.

My site/banner was approved, but it's getting no hits... why?

Check the site or banner in 'manage sites'... the second column 'Ex' indicates if a site or banner is considered 'exclusive'.  Exclusive sites or banners only show under certain conditions, and are not part of the general rotation:

  • Exclusive sites are only for World Station.  If you're not at least at '(LEVEL3 name or eqv)' level, you should not turn on exclusive for a site.  Use the 'pause' setting... it gives you a better visual reminder that the site is approved, but not in rotation.
  • Exclusive banners are for banners that have been linked to a site.  Any member can link an active/approved banner to one of their sites, so the banner shows up each time the site does.  Remember that you must link the banner to the site.  Edit the site and pick the appropriate banner from the drop-down list, then re-save the site.  It will not require re-approval, and then your banner will display.

I'm not paused, they're not exclusive, and still, no hits today... why?

You are probably out of credits.  Check your balance in the Members/Your Info section... you probably need to surf, advertise, or purchase some credits to get your site displaying again.

My Auto or Manual Surf isn't starting...

We've seen in the error logs a lot of users trying to use a folder called 'surf', instead of "Surf".  Our system is case-sensitive.  We have temporarily made a duplicate copy of the Surf folder named surf, but won't guarantee that it will always be available or up to date.

The correct paths are:

  • For Auto Surf: ID#)
    • Example: User #6 would go to
  • For Manual Surf: ID#)
    • Example: User #6 would go to


My Auto or Manual Surf isn't advancing...

There are a couple things that typically cause this.  Check the following settings on your browser (IE users: Tools/Options):

  • You must have JavaScript enabled.  Our countdown timer is in JavaScript, so either reduce your security setting, or make "" a 'trusted site'.
  • Your browser must support frames (for IE, this is automatic)
  • You should make sure that 'caching' is turned off:
    • Tools/Options/Settings/General tab/Temporary Internet Files group/Settings button: make sure that "every visit to the page" is selected
    • If you cache our footer page (vstfoot.php or vstmfoot.php), it won't advance you to the next site, or give you credits.


How much do banners cost per exposure?

They cost 0.200 credits (1/5 credit) per exposure, regardless of whether they are exclusive or not, on the traffic exchange browser bar.

How much do sites cost per exposure?

They cost 1 credit per exposure, regardless of whether they are part of a World Station, on the traffic exchange browser bar.

This Traffic Exchange is NOT an Internet Investment Businesses or Paid to surf site. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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