Rules for the road: TE World Policies and Rules
We have established these rules to help make everyone's experience here the
best experience possible.
Station rules: Site content
The following restrictions apply to any page being promoted through TE World :
- Any code, intentional or accidental, which interrupts the flow of an
autosurf browser:
- Frame breakers are not permitted
- Pop-ups, Pop-unders, slide-in windows are not permitted
- Any script, image, or other element which causes a windows-dialog to
appear, including but not limited to:
- Automatic downloads
- Automatic form submission
- Blatant scripting errors
- Sites may not display any of the following types of material:
- Illegal, hacking, warez
- Pornographic, abusive, obscene or vulgar
- Racism, Hate-mongering
- Other material deemed by us to be objectionable
- Sites must be in English, or have an 'English version' function on them
Any site violating these rules will be suspended from rotation (taken off the
tracks), and the member will receive a warning. Blatant and/or repeated
violation of content rules is grounds for account termination.
Rider rules: Restrictions on membership
- Members must join for themselves. Any member caught filling in forms
"on behalf of" another member will face immediate account closure.
- Membership is limited to one membership id per physical human being.
(In other words, different accounts under different email addresses that end
up at the same person is a violation of our policies.)
- Members may only use one autosurf browser at a time. No extra
credits will be generated by opening a second autosurf browser to the same
- Members may not spoof or tamper with our autosurf browser. Attempts
to do so will lead to account termination, and potential membership banning
(meaning you can't re-join).
- Members may not send Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE or spam) promoting
TE World in any way, shape or form. We take spam seriously: if
you don't have direct permission to send someone email, you may not advertise
on our behalf.
Referrals page views for credits
You may show our referral page through other traffic
exchanges. In your weekly statistics report, you will also get ratios for
referrals (how many views, versus how many unique views). Credits are given
in exchange for unique views in a 24-hour period. We will attempt to store
a cookie on the viewer's browser so you can qualify for referral credits from
them if they join.
Referral credits
If a member signs up through your referral page, or through our main join
screen within 30 days of viewing your referral page (meaning they have your
cookie on their browser), you will receive credits when they join, and a
percentage of their earnings or spend credited directly to your account.
For details, see the 'pricing / membership
levels' page.
Once you have referral credit for a member, they become part of your "downline".
Emailing your downline (and vice-versa)
In your weekly statistics, you will be notified of new referred members, and
if they elected to receive mail from their upline (they get a surf bonus for
doing so).
If your downline members permit it (they have the choice, when joining), you
may send electronic mail to them through our 'mail your downline' form.
You may not send more than 1 mail per week, and you do not have access to their
email address.
You can elect to show or hide your email address. If you send a message
to your downline, even with your email obscured, they can respond through our 'upline
response' form.
Content of these emails is subject to the same rules as site content, with
the following additional restrictions:
- Be aware that we will receive a copy of any email sent through this method
for evaluation of content
- Content sent this way can only contain plain text - no graphics or
attachments are permitted
Delivery of hits
We will make every effort to deliver hits to your approved sites as quickly
as possible. We
make no guarantees of any kind that you will receive a given number of hits in a
certain period of time.
Account closure
You can elect to close your account at any time. This is done through
the members' area. If closed by mistake, you can un-close an account for
up to 72 hours with no loss of credits or referrals.
TE World personnel may also close any account if it is found to
violate our policies, either with frame-breaking, popup technology, actions used
to cheat the system and/or artificially boost credit counts, actions to damage
either the operation or reputation of our site (including the use of UCE
(spam)), or other actions deemed by us to be unsuitable for our membership.
When an account is closed, any remaining credits and referrals are forfeited.
Referred members will rise to the closed member's upline referrer, or be listed
as free agents.
These rules and policies may change, and will always be
posted at