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Weekly Top 25 Surfers

Information for Surfing between 2 February and 8 February.

ID - Handle # /Sites Surfed Credits Earned Bonus given
371 - trexlist 51110 54750.310 2737.5
412 - webstarmedia 4086 4377.025 218.9
356 - ricordk 1881 2014.974 100.7
419 - jlemarketing 1435 1537.208 76.9
184 - pro2000 200 214.245 10.7

Total surfing of top 25 members this week : 58712

Total surfing of all members this week : 58712

Members bonus: If you are on this list, the system adds 5.00% to surf-earned credits with each statistical newsletter.

People who allow email to come in from their upline also get 3.5 added to their surfing, automatically.

This Traffic Exchange is NOT an Internet Investment Businesses or Paid to surf site. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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