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All-Time Top 25 Surfers

This is a purely-prestige page (no bonuses here.. that wouldn't be fair to newcomers), and it is updated the day statistical emails go out.

Information for Surfing as of 9 February.

ID - Handle # /Sites Surfed
371 - trexlist 13299035
3 - aWolf 6991014
7 - Shadow 6693189
356 - ricordk 2072382
1 - Magician 1420066
355 - (no handle) 1229727
168 - pp 1056714
46 - Ben 724075
78 - dalelorenzo 674586
166 - rsctkd3 658174
336 - ivogerva 601809
239 - frol12 514302
162 - greenskyno1 498746
4 - sLiver 493639
312 - Web Hosting 350761
199 - super8v92 331422
209 - (no handle) 282333
250 - sailboat 254901
121 - Sue 245167
218 - viplove 207031
374 - paumarcg 205136
329 - Christian 200629
271 - (no handle) 195058
10 - Rob aka Cerberus 192433
266 - sgpropertyonsale 173672

Total sites surfed by top-25: 39566001
Total sites surfed by all members: 50053755

This Traffic Exchange is NOT an Internet Investment Businesses or Paid to surf site. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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